Saturday, February 6, 2010

5 Feb 2010 - RockBot

I am what's called a RockBot. I am part of the rock landscape in this underground cavern. There's a river that runs through this underground place. I rise up out of this big rock formation as a little, egg-shaped being. I am made of rock and I have one big eye and I can fly, although I have no wings. I rise up and as I do, I can see that these inscriptions begin to appear on several of the rock formations that come up out of the water below me now. It's as though some unseen hand is actually etching these writings as I observe them. And the etchings are golden in color as they appear and they seem to have a slight glow about them.

I look and watch this taking place before me, and I know that the writings mean something, and mean something to me. Consciously, however, I don't understand them. And I do have consciousness.

I explore my surroundings with my one eye. It's beautiful in its own way. There seems to be an architected tunnel where the river continues. The tunnel has an arched ceiling and the ceiling and the walls of the tunnel look to be made of rock, as well, but the rock is so perfectly stacked and laid, that it doesn't look like a natural phenomenon. It looks like it is built by something or someone. I hover and look how the river flows through this tunnel and I am curious. I want to follow the river.

When I kind of float and hover at the entrance, still looking down this long expanse, I prepare myself to enter through the mouth of the tunnel, and suddenly another RockBot appears before me. The other RockBot looks exactly like I do with one big eye. And we hover there looking at one another. When I move to the right, the other RockBot does the same. When I move to the left, the other RockBot does too. It's as if the other RockBot is blocking me from entering.

There's no communication between us. And I don't feel ill-intent from the other RockBot, but I am sure that the other RockBot is blocking me from going into the tunnel. And I want to enter so badly, but cannot seem to navigate around the other RockBot.

The dream ends here and I have another dream that's similar. In my second dream, I am also flying, but I am me. Although I repeated this dream to my husband, neither one of us can remember the details. All I remember is that I am flying and again, like the RockBot, I am blocked from flying where I want to fly. This is all that I can remember about the second dream.

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